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APD | EU nations to halt arms sales to Turkey

By APD writer Aditya Nugraha

LUXEMBOURG, Oct. 15 (APD) - Foreign ministers of European Union (EU) nations condemned Turkey’s shelling in northern Syria, reaching an agreement on suspension of arms sales to Turkey.

The commitment in doing so was pledged in an EU foreign ministers meeting here on Monday, following similar unilateral move imposed by Germany, France, Finland, and Sweden in the last few days.

Besides agreeing on suspension on arms sales to Turkey, EU foreign ministers also drew up potential sanctions against Ankara over Turkey’s drilling activities off Cyprus.

Due to the Turkish military offensive to cleanse the Turkish-Syrian border from Kurdish fighters, Turkish shelling in northern Syria has displaced over 100,000 people, according to a United Nations report. Turkey's government considers Kurdish fighters as terrorists, a threat to Turkey’s security.


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