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APD | Impact on civilian population seen, says ICRC on the northeast Syrian situation

By APD writer Melo M. Acuña

MANILA, Oct. 15 (APD) – The International Committee of the Red Cross said the ongoing hostilities are having a “devastating impact” on the civilian population.

In a statement datelined Geneva today, the ICRC said with tens of thousands of people fleeing their towns and villages near the border may even lead to the displacement of 300,000 people residing in main cities of Hassakeh and Raqqa.

Water shortages have remained a major concern as the ICRC and the Syrian Arab Red Crescent are working to address immediately.

They also expressed alarm that Hassakeh city with 400,000 may run dry as the main water station serving the area has been affected, affecting hundreds of thousands of people.

Emergency measures have been made to provide clean water from alternative sources. Water infrastructure composed of water stations and dams is located within the current frontline making it critical these facilities be protected.

People who fled their homes are extended shelter and emergency humanitarian assistance as the ICRC and Syrian Arab Red Crescent support hundreds of families in Hassakeh.

The evacuees, composed mostly of women and children, are staying with family or friends, and other host families sharing their homes, food, and water.

New arrivals have been placed in schools that have been turned into emergency shelters. The conflict has had a ripple effect as thousands of students in Hassakeh cannot attend school.


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