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EU warns Malta against 'political interference' in murder inquiry

The EU has warned the Maltese government not to intervene in a murder investigation regarding Daphne Caruana Galizia, a journalist who was critical of the state before her death in 2017.

European Commission Vice President Vera Jourova told Maltese justice minister Owen Bonnici that the investigation has to be brought to conclusion without any political interference, a spokesperson said on Tuesday.

The conversation took place after Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said that he would step down in January. The leader has been criticized for his perceived links to several politicians alleged to be involved in CaruanaGalizia's case.

Galizia was killed in October 2017 when a car bomb was detonated close to the anti-corruption journalist's home. She left behind three children.

A European Parliament delegation, led by Dutch MEP Sophie in 't Veld, is currently in Malta on a mission to examine concerns over the independence of the judiciary in the European Union's smallest country.

They are expected to meet the journalist's family, the prime minister, and the police commissioner before returning to the European Parliament in Brussels on Wednesday.

There has been a week of political turmoil in Malta, with protesters gathering outside the Maltese parliament in Freedom Square on Monday, demanding Muscat's resignation.

The prime minister's former chief of staff Keith Schembri resigned last week shortly before he was arrested in relation to the Galizia murder case. He denies wrongdoing.

He has also been accused of having links withgambling and property tycoon Yorgen Fenech, Malta's richest man, who has alsobeen charged with complicity in the conspiracy, charges which he denies.


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